George Tsai


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Monday, 16 June 2014 00:00

Battle on the Banks VII

The 7th annual Battle on the Banks. Had some time in between rentals so I went down to film some of the action.... With the Dragon:-)

Only filmed two of the games and clocked it in at about 400GB of footage. Tried to use the RPZ 17-50mm but it vignette heavily on the Dragon sensor, so I spent most of the night on my Zeiss 25mm and 85mm (didn't not bring the other two with me). Wasn't the best lit venue, but there was enough to capture at 96FPS with acceptable noise level. Without a doubt the normal Epic-X would not have been able to pull off the same shots. Hopefully I'll have some time eventually to make a short promo/sizzle reel of the SDDD. 

There's a lot more photos from other photographers over at the San Diego Derby Doll's Flickr account. I've yet to hear back from them about getting these photos to them:-P

Published in Digital Cinema

A little about me

profile.largeGeorge Tsai attended California State University, Long Beach and graduated in 2010 with BS in Electrical Engineering, Audio Engineering, and an Entrepreneurship Minor. He is also a United States Marine with combat deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He concluded his service with an honorable discharge as a Sergeant. Today, he freelances in the film industry with his Red Epic-X camera package and production audio equipment. He is also the founder of FUZE Ti.  Read more...

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